Under duties set out in the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 the club recognises its responsibilities in providing adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable suitable first aid to be given at the club.
All members of staff have undertaken First Aid training and the club has a designated member of staff who is responsible for First Aid. This person holds an up to date First Aid certificate.
The appointed First Aiders are responsible for administering basic First Aid when necessary and appropriate and are also responsible for maintaining the correct contents of the First Aid box.The Manager will ensure that there is always a qualified and fully trained First Aider available at all times during club sessions. The location of the First Aid box and the names of the First Aid Officers are clearly displayed.
In the event of a Major Accident, Incident or Illness occurring while the child is at the club the following procedures will apply: In the first instance the First Aid Officer will be notified and take responsibility for deciding upon the appropriate action to be taken The First Aider will assess the situation and decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether they can safely wait for their parent or carer to arrive. If the child needs to go straight to hospital, an ambulance will be called. The parent or carer will also be contacted. A member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital and will consent to medical treatment being given, as long as the parent or carer has agreed to this.
When the Registration Form is completed, prior to a child attending the club, the parent or carer agrees to the club seeking medical help from the child's doctor or if necessary a member of staff taking the child to hospital.If the child does not need to go straight to hospital but their condition means they should go home, the parent or carer will be contacted and asked to come and collect their child. In the meantime, the child will be made as comfortable as possible and be kept under close supervision (from this point on, the provisions of the club's Infectious and Communicable Diseases policy will govern the child's return to the club).Parents/carers will be made fully aware of the details of any incidents and of any actions taken by the club and its staff.
Our club has a very strict procedureon administering medication.
Medication cannot be given to any child without written authorisation from the child's parent or carer.
The medication must be in a proper container and must have been precribed by the family doctor or hospital doctor. It must be clearly labelled indicating the contents, dosage and the full name of the child.
The parent or carer also needs to complete a form giving details of when they last gave medication to their child i.e. prior to the child coming to the childcare club.
The medication will be kept in a safe secure place while at the club.
When the medication is administered two members of staff should be present. The consent form needs to be signed by both members of staff. When the medication is handed back to the parent, the parent must sign and date the form to confirm that the medication has been returned to them. The form will be kept in the child's personal file.
Schools Out Childcare caters for children aged 3 to 9 years. Priority is given to children attending Archibald First School in Gosforth.
The club is registered with Ofsted and is capable of accomodating up to 50 children.
Prior to a child being admitted to the club for the first time, a registration form must be completed by the child's parent or guardian and a registration fee is payable.
This comes off the fees but is non refundable if the place is not taken up.
All staff are advised to minimise time spent alone with children and will be aware of the potential risks in doing so.
If an allegation of abuse has been made against any staff member the following procedures should be adhered to. The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) will be informed. If the advice given by LADO is to suspend the member of staff the following actions must be taken:
- A meeting with the member of staff must take place immediately to clearly inform them that they will be suspended without prejudice following the allegation. The member of staff must not be informed at this point the nature of the allegation.
- The member of staff will be asked to leave the premises and advised to make no contact with the club or any of its members.
- The Manager and the member of staff must not discuss the allegation with any other persons either inside or outside the club. This information must only be shared on a need to know basis.
- The member of staff will be offered support from the Childcare Safeguarding and Compliance Service and if they belong to a union they will advised to contact their union rep.
- All information regarding the allegation/suspension must be thoroughly recorded and stored in a confidential and secure manner.
A strategy meeting will be arranged by LADO made up of representatives from Children’s Social Care Service, Police, Health, Childcare Safeguarding and Compliance Service, Ofsted and the Manager of the childcare club. This group of professionals will make a decision on the appropriate course of action and the member of staff will be informed. It is the responsibility of the lead agencies above to maintain contact and update the member of staff throughout the investigation. The provision will refrain from contacting the member of staff until advised to do so.
If the strategy group decide that there will be no further action the member of staff will be invited to return to work with appropriate support. However if the strategy group decide based on evidence that there has been a criminal act committed then the provision will follow their disciplinary procedure under gross misconduct.
Contact details:
LADO(Local Authority Designated Officer)
Allegations Against Staff
Civic Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne
0191 2774636
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Helpline: 0300 123 1231
(To report an allegation against a member of staff or volunteer Tel: 0300 1234 666)
We recognise the potentially serious consequences of children with allergies. These allegies may include a condition known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe potentially life-threatening allergic reaction brought about by exposure to certain foods or other substances.
The main food allergens to trigger an anaphylactic reation are:
- peanuts and peanut by-products such as peanut butter and peanut oil
- tree nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts (filberts), Brazil nuts, pecans, cashews, pistachio nuts, pine nuts (pignolias) and macadamia nuts
- sesame seeds
- milk
- eggs
- seafood
- wheat
- soy
- sulphites (a food additive)
- Non food items such as latex and bee stings can also bring about a life threatening reaction
Indentification of children at risk:
- it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to inform the club that their child has allergies or is anaphylactic or potentially anaphylactic
- this must be listed on the registration form and they must verbally notify the manager
- all staff will be made aware of these children
- the parent must complete the consent form for emergency medical treatment upon registration
- on the child's admission to the club the manager or leader will discuss the child's allergies with the parent. The staff will receive a demonstration of EpiPen administration by the parent
Availability and Location of EpiPens
The EpiPen is an auto-injector containing epinephrine (adrenaline). This medicine is an alpha and beta receptor stimulant used to treat severe allergic reactions. It may also be used treat severe allergic reactions that affect breathing. A parent of an anaphylactic child must provide an EpiPen to be left at the club. Because some children are too young to carry their own EpiPen, the EpiPens will be stored in the filing cabinet.
EpiPens will be clearly labelled with the child's name, EpiPen expiry dates and specific allergy
All staff are made aware of its location
At least one staff member will be trained to administer the EpiPen
Children who are no longer allergic, or no longer require an EpiPen, must present a letter from their doctor
If the EpiPen has expired, the parent will be asked to supply another. It is the parent's responsibility to provide this or the child will not be accepted into the setting
Parent/Carer responsibilities
The child's parent/carer must supply the club with an EpiPen
The parent/carer must sign the declaration on the registration form to give authorisation for staff to administer an EpiPen if and when required
The child's parent must supply a statement from the child's doctor giving details of the child's condition, treatment required in an emergency situation and authorisation for staff to administer treatment
Any EpiPens sent to us must be labelled by a registrered pharmacist with the name of the medication, the dose, the name of the child and date of expiry
The parent/guardian should note the expiration date and provide a new EpiPen prior to expiration
Parents must complete a care plan upon registration
Symptoms off an Allergic Reaction – this list is not exhaustive
A person experiencing an allergic reaction may have any of the following symptoms:
- trouble breathing, speaking or swallowing
- a drop in blood pressure, rapid heart beat, loss of conciousness
- flushed face, hives or a rash, red and itchy skin
- swelling of the eyes, face, lips, throat and tongue
- anxiousness, distress, faintness, paleness, sense of doom, weakness
- cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting
Treatment Procedure
- There are no contraindications or hesitation to use an EpiPen (epinephrine) for a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, time of administration is noted
- a staff member stays with the affected child
- another delegated member of staff calls 999 immediately
- the manager is informed and contacts the parent immediately after the 999 call
- if the parent is not available at any of the contact numbers, the manager will contact the emergency contacts as listed on the registration form
- regardless of the degree of reaction or response to epinephrine, when the child is taken to the hospital, if the child's parent is not able to get to the club by the time the ambulance arrives the manager MUST go with them
- the manager will stay with the child at the hospital until the parent arrives
- the EpiPen(s) that was/were administered will be taken to the hospital
After the incident
The manager or leader will complete and file an incident form as soon after the incident as possible.
The child's school must be informed of the incident.
Ofsted must be informed of the incident 0300 123 1231
We aim to ensure that all children in our care have fun in a safe and caring environment. It is the responsibility of the manager, the leader and indeed all of the playworkers to do everything possible to protect the children from all forms of bullying. If bullying does occur all children should be able to tell any member of staff and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person causing pain and distress for the victim
Forms of bullying
There are several main forms of bullying:
- Emotional - Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, ridicule, humiliation
- Physical - Pushing, kicking, hitting, punching, piching, violence, threats
- Verbal - Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing
- Racist - Racist taunts, grafitti, gestures
- Sexual - Unwanted physical contact, sexually abusive comments
- Homophobic - Because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality
- Mobile/Internet - Abusive emails, phone calls, text messages
Recognition of bullying
The following list highlights some of the indicators of bullying. It is important to note that although a child could be displaying some signs of these signs of behaviours, it does not necessarily mean that the child is being bullied. These signs could indicate that the child has other problems, but bullying should be considered as a possibility.
- Unwillingness to attend school and the club
- Withdrawn isolated behaviours
- Complaining about missing possessions and lost money
- Refuses to talk about the problem
- Easily distressed
- Lacking confidence, low self esteem, anxious
- Becomes aggressive, disruptive, unreasonable
- Begins to bully other children
- Starts stammering
- Has unexplained cuts and bruises
Objectives of the policy
- All members os staff, children and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is
- All members of staff, children and parents should know what the club policy is on bullying and follow when bullying occurs and is reported
- Bullying is taken seriously by the club and all children and parents will be fully supported if bullying is reported or observed
- All children and parents will be made aware of the club's behaviour policy which includes bullying and will be required to accept it
- Bullying will not be tolerated by the club
Dealing with reports of bullying
The playworker should listen to the child who is being bullied and reassure them that they are safe and have done the right thing by telling someone. If the bullying is not reported but a member of the play team observes that it is taking place, they should take the child aside and try to encourage them to open up about what's been happening to them. All reports of bullying should be treated seriously, the playworker should try to get as much detail as possible from the child about the other children who are suspected of bullying, when it occurs and how often it occurs. Even if the bullying is not happening at the club, the playworker still has a responsibility to try and help the child.
The playworker should explain to the child that in order to help them the leader has to be informed. The leader should sit in with the playworker and the child and allow the child to recount the story freely. The playworker should use open and not leading questions to try to get as much detail from the child as possible. The leader should keep a record of what the child has said.
In circumstances where the leader is named as the bully the playworker should contact the manager immediately. In circumstances where another playworker is named then the leader should be as discreet as possible and contact the manager immediately.
If the bullying is occurring not at the club, for instance at school, then the leader or manager should inform the child's parents and suggest that they inform the relevant authorities.
Investigating reports of bullying at the club
The leader should investigate all reports of bullying within the club. If the leader is the one being accused then the manager should conduct the investigation. The leader should try to establish the facts surrounding the allegation. Both the victim and the child being accused should be treated equally and fairly and dealt with separately. The leader should ask to speak to them separately. The leader should inform the child accused of bullying that a complaint has been made against them and give them the opportunity to respond.
Resolving the bullying
If the allegation is found to be true, then the leader should try to establish why the child has been bullying and explain the hurt that it causes their victim. The leader should remind the child of the club's Behaviour Policy and explain that bullying will not be tolerated. The consequences if their behaviour continues should also be explained. The leader should ask the child accused of bullying to make a genuine apology to their victim. If possible the leader should try to reconcile both parties.
When the parents of those involved come to collect the children the leader should ask to speak to them privately and explain what's been happening and what has been done to try and resolve the situation. The parents should be reminded of the club'sBehaviour Policy and asked that they help the club to enforce this. The leader and other playworkers should monitor the situation to ensure that repeated bullying does not take place.
In serious cases or when bullying persists, the leader should inform the manager who should try to resolve the situation. Excluding the bully should only be used as a last resort.
Useful contacts
Childline England 0207 239 1000 childline.org.uk
NSPCC 0207 825 2525 nspcc.org.uk
Kidscape 0207 730 3300 kidscape.org.uk
Anti-Bullying Network 0131 651 6100 antibullying.net
Staff arrive at the club at 2.45pm. The register for that day is removed from the locked filing cabinet. The staff who are going to be working with the years 3 and 4 children organise the fruit and the games to take across to the school hall. They also decide what craft activity will be on offer for the children that day and they make sure they have the necessary materials to do the activity. When they arrive in the school hall they clean and sanitise the tables in preparation for the children coming to the after school club.
The staff working in room 2 in the portacabin clean and sanitise the tables and organise the fruit ready for the years 1 and 2 children to sit and have their snack when they first come in from school.
The playgroup is in operation in room 1 in the portacabin until 3pm. As soon as the playgroup finishes the staff will put the required number of tables and chairs in place. The tables are cleaned ready for the arrival of the children from nursery and reception.
New children are invited to visit the club with their parents prior to attending the club to enable them to meet the manager and other members of staff. When staff arrive at the school to pick the children up they will have with them a pickup list and they must ensure that all of the children on the list are collected.
If a child is not at the school to be collected a check should first of all be made with the club to confirm that the child had not been cancelled. If no cancellation has been received the child's teacher should be consulted to find out whether or not the child has been at school that day. If the child was at school but not there to be collected a check must be made with the child's parents to make sure that the child is safe.
When all of the children have been gathered a member of the school staff will sign the children out of the school. They will then be walked across to the portacabin (which is situated in the grounds of their school). When they first arrive at the club the children will be marked off on the register and the time noted. The door is kept locked when the children are indoors but after outdoor play a head count must be taken to ensure that all of the children are accounted for.
Children must only be released from the club if a parent or carer or another authorised adult comes to collect the child. If someone not known to the manager or any of the staff attempts to collect a child from the club a check must first of all be made with the child's parent or carer to ensure that it is safe for the child to leave the club. A member of staff will sign the child out on the register, noting who collected the child and the time of departure.
Parents or carers arriving at the club to collect their child must ring the bell and wait for a member of staff to open the door. The child will be brought to the door by one of the playworkers. Children are not allowed to leave the club on their own to travel home or to another destination.
If a parent or carer is unable to collect their child they must inform the club that someone different is coming to pick up their child. They must provide the club with the person's name and relationship to the child eg aunt, family friend etc. Only someone who is known to the staff and is authorised by the parent or carer will be allowed to collect the child from the after school club.
All visitors must sign the visitors book upon arrival. If the visitor is not known to the manager or staff they must show their ID. A visitor must never be left unsupervised with the children. Similarly any students or volunteers working at the club must be supervised at all times
This behaviour code outlines the conduct Schools Out Childcare expects from all our staff and volunteers. This includes agency staff, students on work placement and anyone who is undertaking duties for the organisation, whether paid or unpaid. The behaviour code aims to help us protect children and young people from abuse and reduce the possibility of unfounded allegations being made. Schools Out Childcare is responsible for making sure everyone taking part in our services has seen, understood and agreed to follow the code of behaviour, and that they understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour.
The role of staff and volunteers
In your role at Schools Out Childcare you are acting in a position of authority and have a duty of care towards the children and young people we work with. You are likely to be seen as a role model and are expected to act appropriately.
You are responsible for:
- prioritising the welfare of children and young people
- providing a safe environment for children and young people
- ensuring equipment is used safely and for its intended purpose
- having good awareness of issues to do with safeguarding and child protection and taking action when appropriate
- following our principles, policies and procedures including our policies and procedures for child protection/safeguarding, whistleblowing and online safety
- staying within the law at all times
- modelling good behaviour for children and young people to follow
- challenging all unacceptable behaviour and reporting any breaches of the behaviour code to the manager
- reporting all concerns about abusive behaviour, following our safeguarding and child protection procedures (this includes behaviour being displayed by an adult or child and directed at anybody of any age)
You should:
- treat children and young people fairly and without prejudice or discrimination
- understand that children and young people are individuals with individual needs
- respect differences in gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, ethnicity, disability and religious belief systems, and appreciate that all participants bring something valuable and different to the group/organisation
- challenge discrimination and prejudice
- encourage young people and adults to speak out about attitudes or behaviour that makes them uncomfortable.
You should:
- promote relationships that are based on openness, honesty, trust and respect
- avoid favouritism
- be patient with others
- exercise caution when you are discussing sensitive issues with children or young people
- ensure your contact with children and young people is appropriate and relevant to the work of the project you are involved in
- ensure that whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people. If a situation arises where you are alone with a child or young person, ensure that you are within sight or hearing of other adults. if a child specifically asks for or needs some individual time with you, ensure other staff or volunteers know where you and the child are
- only provide personal care in an emergency and make sure there is more than one adult present if possible
You should:
- listen to and respect children at all times
- value and take children’s contributions seriously, actively involving them in planning activities wherever possible
- respect a young person’s right to personal privacy as far as possible. If you need to break confidentiality in order to follow child protection procedures, it is important to explain this to the child or young person at the earliest opportunity.
Unnacceptable Behaviour
When working with children and young people, you must not:
- allow concerns or allegations to go unreported
- take unnecessary risks
- smoke, consume alcohol or use illegal substances
- develop inappropriate relationships with children and young people
- make inappropriate promises to children and young people
- engage in behaviour that is in any way abusive, including having any form of sexual contact with a child or young person
- let children and young people have your personal contact details (mobile number, email or postal address) or have contact with them via a personal social media account
- act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive
- patronise or belittle children and young people
- make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of children and young people
Upholding this Code of Behaviour
You should always follow this code of behaviour and never rely on your reputation or that of our organisation to protect you. If you have behaved inappropriately you will be subject to our disciplinary procedures. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, you may be asked to leave Schools Out Childcare. We may also make a report to statutory agencies such as the police and/or the local authority child protection services. If you become aware of any breaches of this code, you must report them to the manager. If necessary you should follow our whistleblowing procedure and safeguarding and child protection procedure
Dealing with negative behaviour
When confronted with negative behaviour, staff must distinguish bettween 'disengaged' disruptive' and 'unacceptable' behaviour.
- This behaviour may indicate that a child is bored, unhappy or unsettled. Staff will often be able to re-engage a child in a purposeful activity, with sensitive intervention.
- This behaviour describes a child whose behaviour prevents other children from enjoying themselves. Staff should discuss each individual problem and decide on the best way to deal with them.
- This behaviour is non-negotiable and is the most difficult to deal with. It often includes discrimanatory remarks, violence, bullying or destruction of equipment. Staff will be clear that there must be consequences following from such behaviour including in the first instance, temporarily removing a child from the activity session.
When an incidence of negative behaviour occurs staff will listen to the child concerned and hear their reasons for their actions. The staff will then explain to the child what was negative about their behaviour and that such behaviour will have consequences for both themselves and others. Sanctions like 'time out' and 'loss of privileges' may be implemented if authorised by the manager. Staff will ensure that children understand what is being said to them and children will always be given the opportunity to make amends for their behaviour and be allowed to rejoin the activity, unless it is deemed inappropriate to do so.
If unacceptable behaviour persists more serious actions may have to be taken, in accordance with the Suspensions and Exclusions Policy. At all times children should be made aware of the potential consequences of their actions. Children should not be made to apologise but if they choose to do so they should be given praise.
The Use of Physical Interventions
Physical interventions should only be used by staff as a last resort and only then if they have reasonable grounds for believing that a child could significantly injure themselves or others or cause serious damage to property, if immediate action is not taken. Prior to this stage being reached, staff will have used all possible non-physical actions, for example dialogue and diversion, to try and deal with the behaviour. The child or children concerned must be warned verbally that physical intervention will be used if they do not stop.
Staff must continue a dialogue with the child or children at all times, explaining what they are doing and why they are doing it. If a member of staff is alone with a child every effort should be made to avoid the use of physical intervention. Only the minimum of force necessary to prevent injury or damage should be applied, for example by diverting a child by leading them away by a hand or an arm around their shoulder.
Physical intervention should only be used by staff as an act of care and control, never as apunishment. Physical intervention must not be used when there is no immediate risk to people or property and definitely not used to force a child to do what they have been told. As soon as it is safe to do so, the physical intervention should be gradually relaxed to enable the child to regain self-control. The force of the physical intervention will be always appropriate to the age, size or strength of the child or children involved. If staff are not confident about their ability to contain a particular situation or type of behaviour, the manager should be called or in extreme cases the police.
Where a member of staff has had to intervene physically to restrain a child, the managerwill be notified immediately and the incident recorded. The indident will be discussed with the parent or carer as soon as possible. If a member of staff commits any act of abuse or violence towards a child at the club, serious disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the club's Disciplinary Procedure.
Where regulare behavioural issues are identified the manager will be informed and support will be sought from the Early Education and Childcare Service representatives
Faith abuse, which includes practices relating to spirit possession and witchcraft is often a hidden crime which is under-reported but can have significant impact on children. Child abuse linked to faith or belief is not confined to one faith, nationality or ethnic community. Examples have been recorded worldwide across various religions including Christians, Muslims and Hindus. Faith abuse is often considered as part of the group that come under the umbrella term of harmful practices.
Definition of Child Abuse linked to Faith or Belief
Child Abuse linked to Faith or Belief is linked to the concept of belief in:
• witchcraft and spirit possession, demons or the devil acting through children or leading them astray (traditionally seen in some Christian beliefs)
• the evil eye or djinns (traditionally known in some Islamic faith contexts) and dakini (in the Hindu context)
• ritual or multi murders where the killing of children is believed to bring supernatural benefits or the use of their body parts is believed to produce potent magical remedies
• use of belief in magic or witchcraft to create fear in children to make them more compliant when they are being trafficked for domestic slavery or sexual exploitation.
What do we know?
• Research has identified that in communities where child abuse linked to faith or belief is more prevalent it is likely that:
• there is a belief in the community in things such as witchcraft; or
• there may be an influential person who promotes ideas such as people being possessed whilst also promoting the solution.
• Coupled with this parents / carers / abusers are more likely to have the belief that what they are doing will save the child or the wider community and therefore it is for the greater good.
• It should be noted that a child can be abused as a result of faith or belief even without these factors being present.
Vulnerable groups
Children of all ages and gender can be vulnerable to this form of abuse, however children may be singled out for being different, and it is the difference that is then put down to the “illness”. Children with behavioural issues may be seen as possessed, as may children who are gifted and talented. If a child has recurring ill health or is the result of a difficult pregnancy then this may lead to them being singled out. Children living with extended family, carers other than their parents, in particular those in private foster placements are often at increased risk of abuse linked to faith or belief.
Spotting the signs
Children may or may not know what is happening, however you may:
• hear children talking about being evil, having the devil beaten out of them, using specific words, e.g. kindoki, djinn, juju or voodoo.
• see children’s behaviour change, for example becoming isolated, confused or withdrawn.
• see a child’s appearance change, often deteriorating. They may start constantly wearing specific items to “protect them”.
• notice a change in their school attendance, or suddenly going abroad for a long holiday.
• As with any form of abuse, if you see something that concerns you this should be followed up
What you can do
As with all safeguarding matters, you must do something. You cannot pass it off as being “part of their culture” or worry about disrespecting the family’s beliefs. If you have concerns you must act and speak with your designated safeguarding lead. While different faiths have different practices, the definitions of physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect still hold true.
It may be that you do not feel that you have enough knowledge or experience of a particular faith or belief, but this should not delay your acting. There is still a duty to keep the child safe, but when dealing with any allegation of child abuse linked to faith or belief, agencies must engage with individuals, families and in some cases faith or other communities to challenge the belief that underlies the harm.. You may have a role in this, however your primary focus remains the child.
Harmful practices
Harmful practices is a collective term for a number of different forms of abuse which all share a similar characteristic, that they are seen as acceptable practices within sections of society. Harmful practices can cover, amongst other forms of abuse, child marriage,forced marriage,female genital mutilation, breast flattening, hate crimes, child abuse linked to faith or belief and so called “honour-based” abuse. All of these practices in isolation are physically and / or emotionally abusive, however their perseverance in society means that they stop being seen as abusive and start to be seen as acceptable and even a rite of passage therefore losing the label of abuse. As seen in the definition below, all forms of harmful practices are grounded in some form of discrimination and are likely to cause harm and suffering. Violence does not necessarily need to be involved, but it is often a feature.
Definition of harmful practices
Harmful practices are persistent practices and behaviours that are grounded on discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, age and other grounds as well as multiple and/or intersecting forms of discrimination that often involve violence and cause physical and/or
psychological harm or suffering.
Culture and safeguarding
That something is linked to a person’s faith or culture is not an excuse for child abuse. Whilst we should be aware that culture and faith is an important part of many families lives, as professionals we need to maintain a culturally competent approach – not alienating the
families we are working with, but not losing sight of any potential harm. As the National Working Group identify “... this is not about challenging people’s beliefs, but where these beliefs lead to abuse that should not be tolerated.”
Culturally competent practice
Many serious case reviews identify a lack of knowledge about a particular culture or faith as an issue leading to abuse not being identified and / or challenged. It is not possible for one person to know everything about every different culture or faith, but we can be culturally competent in our approach. This means having an awareness of our practice so that we do not alienate the family, but not being distracted by faith or culture meaning that we lose sight of potential harm. The over-riding question should always be “what does this mean for this child?”
Vulnerable groups
Unicef identify that both boys and girls are at risk of harmful practices, although girls are often at greater risk. They also note that in every society where harmful practices take place they reflect values that hold girls in low esteem. In many cases the vulnerable groups are the same as the groups vulnerable to other forms of abuse, e.g. those with additional needs, children where there are other issues in the family home. However harmful practices may also take place in households where no other issues are present other than it being because of the beliefs to the family and associated wider community.
There must be the correct ratio of staff to children. All of the children who attend the after school club are pupils from Archibald First School. The nursery, reception, year 1 and year 2 children are collected from school and escorted across to the portacabin. The portacabin is in the grounds of the school.
The children who are in year 3 and year 4 stay in the school building and make their own way to the school hall at the end of the school day.
A copy of the club register is sent by the manager to the Head Teacher and the school office at the beginning of every week. This enables the teachers to know which children from their class are attending the after school club.
If a child is not there to pickup a check should be made with the school to determine whether the child was absent. If the child was at school the child's parent or carer will be contacted to check the child's whereabouts.
When the children are assembled they will be signed out of school by a member of the school staff. They must then be walked in an orderly manner across the playground to the portacabin. Once inside the portacabin a member of staff will sign the children in on the club register.
We aim to provide a good service for you and your child. If you are happy with our service please recommend us to your friends and family. To ensure that we continue to provide the type of service that suits your needs a suggestion box is available for parents/carers and children to use. Also parents/carers may occasionally be asked to complete a questionnaire. This will help us monitor the clubs progressand enable us to make improvements where necessary.
If you have a concern regarding the club you should discuss with a member of staff or with the manager. The manager will endeavour to resolve your concern as soon as possible.
If you are still not happy or satisfied with the help provided you are entitled to make a formal complaint. Initially your complaint can be made over the phone however you must give:
- Your name
- Your home address
- Your telephone number
- A clear explanation of what your complaint is about
You must follow your complaint up in writing to:
Ofsted Early Years
26-32 Store Street
M1 2WD
Ofsted helpline number is:
0300 123 1231
In order to work as your child's carer I am legally obliged to collect certain information about you and your child to comply with the requirements of the EYFS and to maintain accounts and records.
Other information that I collect is not a legal requirement but will help me to do my job as your child's carer. I will need to process information such as: personal details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, GP contact details, medical and allergy details.
I also process sensitive classes of information that may include racial or ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, and physical or mental health details. I have a legal requirement to collect and process some of this personal information about you and your child.
All information on children and families is kept securely and treated in confidence. I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and am aware of my responsibilities under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). In general, the confidential information I have on file will only be shared if you give permission or there appears to be a child protection issue.
I will only share information about your child with you or your child’s other carers, other professionals working with your child, or with the police, social services, local or central government including Ofsted.
All details will be kept confidential and records are kept secure. You have a right to access any of the information that I hold on you or your child at any time. If your child attends nursery or another setting while in my care, or arrives from nursery, school or another setting, then we will need to be able to share appropriate information between each other. This two way flow of information will help your child to make the transition between carers. It will also keep you informed about anything you need to know that you weren’t there to hear yourself.
When your child leaves my setting I will only store information on you or your child for as long as is necessary. Anything I don’t need to keep I will delete from my computer or shred. I may hold onto some photographs for my own personal use in albums or displayed within the setting.
If you have any complaints with the way you feel I have handled any of your personal data, please speak to me in the first instance so that we can resolve the complaint. You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Officer (ICO) if you feel I have not resolved the complaint to your satisfaction.
Schools Out Childcare is based at Archibald First School and caters for children from that school. The club has a manager, a leader and two assistant leaders as well as four playworkers. The manager is not included in the staff to child ratios therefore if the leader is not able to work because of training or through ill health the manager would stand in for the leader. If a staff member other than the leader is absent the manager would stand in.
Hazard 1
Contact between individuals and lack of social distancing
Who might be harmed?
Staff, children, visitors
How might they be harmed?
- Exposure to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Transmission of COVID-19, illness, death.
What action is needed?
- Contact between people is reduced as much as possible to maintain social distancing
- Staff keep their distance from children as much as possible and maintain 2m social distancing from other adults wherever possible
- Staff who are clinically extremely vulnerable are advised not to attend the workplace. Staff who are CEV will have received a letter from the NHS or their GP telling them this
- Children to be kept within smaller groups:
Group one: Portacabin (room 1) Nursery and Reception
Group two: Portacabin (room 2) Years one and two
Group three: School hall Year three
Group four: School hall Year four
- Once children are assigned to a particular group they will stay in that same group for the foreseeable future. The same staff member or members will remain with the same group
- Children will sit side by side facing forwards and avoid face to face seating arrangements
- Separate equipment will be used by each group and only equipment that can be safely cleaned and sanitised will be in use
- Toys and equipment will be regularly cleaned and sanitised before and after use
- All soft furnishings, soft toys and other resources which are not easily cleanable will be removed
- Each group will have their own hand sanitiser
- Indoors each group will be within their own area and groups should not be mixing within the setting
- Outdoor play will be restricted to two groups at a time. We will stagger the taking out and bringing in of each group and they will be kept to separate areas of the yard. Cones will be in place to cordon off the areas
- Contact sports will not take place at this time
- Staff avoid face to face contact and minimise time spent within 1m of anyone
- Parents/Carers will be required to wait outside of the portacabin or school building when collecting their child. A staff member will sign the child out and bring the child to the door.
Action by whom?
Margaret Vent
Hazard 2
Poor hygiene practices and sharing of items/equipment.
Who might be harmed?
Staff, children, visitors.
How might they be harmed?
- Exposure to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Transmission of COVID-19, illness, death.
What action is needed?
- Good hygiene practices are followed by staff including:
regular and thorough hand-washing for at least 20 seconds
hands are thoroughly dried after washing
washing/sanitising hands on arrival, before leaving, before and after eating, after sneezing and coughing, and regularly throughout the session
avoidance of non-essential physical contact
sneezing into tissues/elbow and binning the tissues (‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’)
observing social distancing as much as possible
not touching face, eyes, nose or mouth if hands are not clean
- Staff support/supervise children to follow the above guidance as much as possible.
- When children first arrive at the portacabin/hall staff will ensure they wash or sanitise their hands immediately They will then join their allocated group.
- The different groups of children in the portacabin will not be allowed to use the toilets at the same time. Staff will ensure that children use a hand sanitiser when leaving and returning to their room.
- Year 3 and 4 children will use KS1 toilets. The number of children using the toilet at any one time will be limited and different groups will not be allowed to use the toilets at the same time. Staff will ensure that children use a hand sanitiser when leaving and returning to the hall.
- Staff will clean and sanitise toilets after use by each group.
- Staff will ensure that children use an antibacterial sanitiser when leaving and entering the room/hall.
- Children are encouraged to wash hands with soap and water however if this is not possible a hand sanitiser will be used.
- Children will be monitored and supported as necessary to ensure they are carrying out regular hand washing.
- Shared surfaces are cleaned before the start of each session, and at regular intervals throughout the session. Particular attention will be given to frequently touched areas e.g. IT equipment, tables, chairs, door handles, phones, light switches etc.
- The portacabin and school hall will be kept well-ventilated by opening windows/propping open doors which are not fire doors when safe and appropriate to do so.
- Children are encouraged not to bring in items and toys from home.
- Children are asked to bring their own snacks.
- Children to provide their own labelled water bottle.
Action by whom?
Margaret Vent
Hazard 3
Suspected/confirmed cases of COVID-19. Symptoms currently identified as:
- High temperature (37.8oC or above)
- New continuous cough (coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (or worse cough than usual where the person usually has a cough)
- Loss of, or change in taste or smell
Who might be harmed?
Staff, children, visitors.
How might they be harmed?
- Exposure to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Transmission of COVID-19, illness, death.
What action is needed?
- If a member of staff, or a child, becomes ill with symptoms of Covid-19 they must not attend the club. If they are at the club when they become ill, they must be isolated from the other children and staff and sent home as soon as possible.
- Employees/ parents/ carers have been informed that they and/or their children must not attend the club if they have symptoms of COVID-19 and must self-isolate.
- Staff are reminded that they need to inform the manager if they are diagnosed with COVID 19 as a result of a positive test and must self isolate.
- When a child or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus (COVID-19), they should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 10 days and arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus COVID-19. They can do this by visiting NHS.UK to arrange or contact NHS 119 via telephone if they do not have internet access.
- If the test is positive the person should continue to self-isolate for 10 days and follow the Government's stay at home guidance. They will be contacted by NHS Track and Trace who will identify and contact any people they have been in close contact with while they may have been contagious. Other members of the household must also self- isolate for 10 days.
- Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to the setting and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation.
- If the child or staff member tests negative but is unwell, they should not return to the club until they are recovered.
- Where the child or staff member tests positive, NHS Test and Trace will speak directly to those they have been in contact with to offer advice. This advice may be that the rest of their group within the setting should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 10 day.
- As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the group or wider setting, Public Health England’s local health protection teams will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise.
- In some cases, a larger number of other children may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure.
- Where settings are observing guidance on infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole setting will not generally be necessary.
- If there is a confirmed case of Covid-19 at the setting, it may not even be necessary to close the bubble attended by the affected child. We will be contacted via NHS Test and Trace who will carry out an assessment to confirm who has been in close contact with the person during the period that they were infectious.
- Alternatively, if we become aware that a child or a member staff has tested positive for Covid-19, we can contact the dedicated DfE advice line for childcare and educational settings (Call 0800 046 8687 and select option 1). NHS Test and Trace (or the DfE advice service) will guide us through any actions we need to take. Based on their advice, we may need to send home those people who have been in close contact with the person who has tested positive, advising them to self-isolate for 10 days since they were last in close contact with that person when they were infectious.
- If there is a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the setting (whether children or staff), or we are advised to close as a result, this must be reported to Ofsted as soon as possible and within 14 days at the latest.
- When reporting a case of Covid-19 to Ofsted, their online system for reporting a serious childcare incident must be used, and all the necessary information must be included.
Action by whom?
Margaret Vent
Hazard 4
NHS Test and Trace
Who might be harmed?
Staff, children, visitors.
How might they be harmed?
- Exposure to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Transmission of COVID-19, illness, death.
What action is needed?
- Employees to inform their manager if they have been asked to self-isolate by the NHS Test and Trace service.
- Parents/carers are informed that if they or their child have been requested to self isolate by the NHS Test and Trace Service they must inform the club.
- Manager to inform the Health Protection Team on 0300 303 8596 (option 1) and Dr Annette Payne Newcastle Public Health Team if a member of staff/child has tested positive for COVID-19, and follow their guidance.
Action by whom?
Margaret Vent
Hazard 5
Use of face coverings
Who might be harmed?
Staff, children.
How might they be harmed?
- Risk of self-contamination when taking off/removing face coverings
- emotional effect on children
- exposure to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Transmission of COVID-19, illness, death.
What action is needed?
In line with government guidance face coverings are not recommended for use by staff or children within out of school settings at this time.
Action by whom?
Margaret Vent
The club will provide a fair and consistent method of dealing with disciplinary incidents. Our aim is always to support and encourage staff, while promoting good employment relations.
If a member of staff is subject to disciplinary action, fair and consistent procedures will be employed: The incident will be fully investigated and the facts established. Investigations will be non-discriminatory and apply equally to all staff irrespective of sex, marital status, sexual preference, race, religion or disability.
At every stage the member of staff concerned will be advised of the nature of the complaint and be given an explanation for any penalty imposed. Staff will be given the opportunity to state their case, and be accompanied by a friend or colleague of their choice, during any part of the disciplinary process.
Staff will not be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct (see below).
Staff have a right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken against them. Investigations will be conducted by the manager and staff will not normally be subject to instant dismissal unless an act of Gross Misconduct has been carried out.
The Staff Disciplinary Procedure operates as follows:
- Formal verbal warning
Once a formal warning has been given by the manager, the member of staff in question will be notified of this and given an explanation for the warning. A brief note of this warning will be kept in their personal file. This will be disregarded after six months, subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance.
- Written Warning
If, following a formal verbal warning, there is insufficient improvement in standards, or if a further incident occurs, a written warning will be given. A copy of this will be kept in their personal file but disregarded after 12 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance.
- Final Written Warning
If the staff member's conduct or performance remains consistently unsatisfactory, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious, a final written warning will be given making it clear that any further breach of the standards, or other serious misconduct, may result in the employee's dismissal. A copy of the warning will be kept in the employee's file, but will be disregarded after 24 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance. The warning will clearly state that dismissal will result from a failure to comply.
Gross Misconduct
If, after an investigation it is deemed that a member of staff has committed an act of the following nature, dismissal will be the usual outcome. Some examples of gross misconduct are:
- Child abuse allegations
- Assaulting another person with intent to harm
- Persistent bullying
- Insubordination
- Sexual, religious or racial harassment
- Being unfit for work through alcohol or drugs
- Wilful neglect that either causes, or might cause, injury, loss or damage to persons or property
- Theft, fraud or deliberate falsification of documents
- Deliberate damage to the club's property or it's reputation
- Breach of confidentiality
If a staff member has been found to have committed an act of gross misconduct, they will be dismissed without notice.
Staff wishing to appeal against a disciplinary decision must do so in writing within 5 working days of the decision being communicated
In the event of an emergency all members of staff should be alerted. The manager or leader (whoever is nearest to the desk) should pick up the register and the club's mobile phone. They must also collect the fire drill folder containing the emergency contact numbers.
Staff should escort the children safely out of the building. Staff must remember to check the toilets in case someone is in there. When everyone is out of the building they should go to the assembly point. A head count should be taken and checked against the register. Finally when everyone is safely away from the danger area the manager or the leader should call for help eg phone the fire brigade.
Schools Out Childcare is committed to equal opportunities. Equality is about making sure everyone is treated fairly and our policy aims to ensure that every child, employee and parent is respected and valued to enable them to give their full contribution.
We are committed to an anti-discriminatory approach and it is the responsibility of the manager to ensure this policy is maintained. We are committed to developing awareness within the after school club of the needs of those who face discrimination and the effects of discrimination in society generally.
We acknowledge that social and cultural processes can disadvantage certain groups in society and so wherever possible we will:
❏ Remove barriers which people may face due to actual or perceived differences
❏ Eliminate discrimination
❏ Ensure that everyone has the same access to employment opportunities and services.
Our staff are all trained in Equality and Diversity and are therefore aware of The Equality Act 2010 which aims to address unfair treatment and achieve equality of opportunity.
The Law
There are 9 Protected Characteristics and anyone can seek protection under the Equality Act if they have been discriminated against or harassed due to these:
3.Gender reassignment
4.Marriage and civil partnership
5.Pregnancy and maternity
6.Race - includes colour, nationality, ethnicity or national origins
7.Religion or belief
9.Sexual orientation
Discrimination is unfair treatment based on an actual or perceived difference. We recognise that there are 5 main types of discrimination and that there is potential for these to impact on assessment of candidates for recruitment promotion and training opportunities.
1. Direct discrimination
When someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a Protected Characteristic or because they are associated with someone who has a Protected Characteristic.
2. Indirect discrimination
When a condition, rule, policy or practice applies to everyone but particularly disadvantages people with a Protected Characteristic.
3. Harassment
Unwanted conduct related to a Protected Characteristic. Employers have a duty of care to ensure employees do not suffer harassment within the workplace. This includes verbal abuse, inappropriate jokes, insensitive comments, leering, physical contact, ridicule or isolation. Intent of harassment is irrelevant - it is based on the effect it has on the individual, not the intention of the harasser.
4. Victimisation
When an individual is treated less favourably than others because they made a supported complaint of discrimination under the Equality Act.
5. Failure to make reasonable adjustments
Our Policy
Schools Out Childcare is committed to recruiting staff from the local community and developing people to their maximum potential, as a diverse workforce reflects the community and brings different perspectives. It is important to us that our staff respect and understand the customs and cultures of each other as well as of the children in their care, and that they use tact and diplomacy in implementing this policy.
We ensure that no candidate will be discriminated against on any grounds, including gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, marital status, sexuality, responsibility for dependants, age and religious beliefs.
We recognise, value and take account of people’s different backgrounds, knowledge, skills and experience, thus helping to create a productive and effective workforce.
All staff that show an interest and aptitude to develop will be given an opportunity to do so wherever financially and practically possible through training and development. Promotion and career development opportunities are available to all staff. If sections of the workforce are not progressing we will take positive action to remove any identified disadvantages.
We are committed to creating unrestricted and easy access to our premises through appropriate building construction, signage and decoration.Parents, children, staff and visitors to Schools Out Childcare should be able to access the premises with the minimum of difficulty through attention to the width and positioning of entry and exit points. Due care and consideration is given to others who may have to use the premises. A ramp has been installed for easy access.
Raising concerns
If an employee raises a complaint about discrimination or harassment, the ACAS code of practice should be followed. This is an advisory document created by the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service and approved by parliament, providing guidance to employers, employees and representatives seeking to resolve conflicts in the workplace.
Key points from the ACAS code of practice are:
● Employers and employees should seek to resolve problems informally, before considering formal action.
● Employment tribunals must take the ACAS code of practice into consideration when settling discipline and grievance cases.
● Employment tribunals can adjust any financial awards by up to 25 percent if a party has not complied with any code of practice provision and cannot justify this non-compliance with a reasonable excuse.
● The ACAS code of practice on discipline and grievance does not apply to non-renewal of fixed-term contracts or redundancy dismissals.
● Employers are responsible for carrying out thorough and fair investigations to establish the facts of any case.
● Both employers and employees should raise and seek to resolve issues promptly and without unreasonable delay.
● Employees must be allowed to give their side of the story before any decisions are made and should be given the right to appeal any formal decisions.
● Employers should allow employees to be accompanied during formal meetings.
Where problems or complaints arise, the Manager of Schools Out Childcare will ensure that a full investigation takes place and that any necessary follow-up action is taken. This may include initiating disciplinary action where appropriate.
We will always talk to an employee about adjustments that can be made to help them carry out their duties, and will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to provide accessibility and inclusivity for all children who attend the after school club.
Racism and Sexism
Racist and sexist comments and behaviour will be dealt with in a sensitive and informal manner where positive discussion promotes understanding. It is understood by members of staff that different families will have varying understandings of what is racist or sexist, therefore staff use informed judgement in deciding the manner in which situations are dealt with.
Schools Out Childcare believes that the attitudes and actions of staff and their awareness of their positions as role models for the children are of vital importance.
Supporting Children with Additional Educational Needs
The ethos of Schools Out Childcare is to identify the needs of our children and parents and as far as possible meet those needs. This policy is to be implemented with each individual child. In the case of children with additional educational needs, it is essential to liaise closely with the parents/carers and any other professionals knowledgeable in the specific aspects of the child's care in order that the staff may identify whether or not it is possible to meet the needs of the child within the everyday environment of the club.
There may be circumstances where staff may receive additional training in order to meet the needs of some children, where it is practically and financially possible. As a caring organisation it is our intention to endeavour to integrate children with additional educational needs into the after school club.
Sexual Harrassment
We believe that all employees are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect while at work and when representing the club in any capacity outside work. We will not tolerate the sexual harassment of one employee by another. Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct directed towards an employee by a fellow employee which is of a sexual nature, or which is based on the person's sex and which is regarded as unwelcome and offensive by the recipient. This includes:
● Unwanted physical contact
● Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, suggestions or pressure to participate in social activity outside work, where it has been made clear that this is not welcome
● Conduct which is intimidating, physically or verbally abusive, including the display of explicit material, the use of sexually explicit humour and comments of a sexual nature whether directed specifically at any particular individual or not
● Suggestions that sexual favours may further an employee's career or that refusal may hinder it
Schools Out Childcare regards sexual harassment as a form of intimidation, which has the effect of insulting and demeaning the employee against whom it is directed and it is therefore unacceptable in the working environment.
All complaints of discrimination or harassment will be dealt with by the employee's Leader if appropriate. Where this is not possible the Manager will assess the complaint and decide on the action to be taken.
Action Plan
We will continue to identify the areas of discrimination to be countered, based upon the nine Protected Characteristics. We will clearly detail what will be done, by when and by who. We will keep reviewing for any changes in the future. The most important thing to us is to ensure our workplace is one where people treat each other with respect and dignity, valuing the differences brought to the workplace. By having a clear policy around equality, diversity and inclusion, a better workplace will be achieved
We adhere to a strict fire safety procedure. The mains electrice and gas and smoke detectors are regularly serviced and all of the fire equipment is checked annually by a fire officer. A copy of the report from the fire officer is sent to the club.
At the end of each session it is the duty of one member of staff (according to the duty rota checklist) to ensure that all of the electrical equipment has been switched off and unplugged. The same person must make sure that the fire doors are closed properly and that all lights have been switched off.
It is however the overall duty of the leader to check at the very end of the session, before making the building secure, that the building is being left in a safe and tidy manner.
Fire drills are held every term and notices explaining what to do in the event of a fire are prominently displayed.
The aim of this policy is to ensure that those handling food at Schools Out Childcare maintain high standards of safety and hygiene in order to minimise health risks to themselves and others.
Schools Out Childcare accepts responsibility for the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by food handling procedures whilst at the club. As an employer it is our duty to provide information, training and supervision in all aspects of food handling. It is the manager and leader’s responsibility to ensure that the club’s hygiene standards are adhered to. It is the responsibility of all staff to maintain the club’s hygiene standards.
This policy and the methods for implementing it will be continually monitored and reviewed at least annually.
At Schools Out Childcare we take allergies and intolerances very seriously. We have a list of allergies that’s easily available to staff when preparing food and this is updated regularly as new children arrive so that allergen information is accurate, consistent and up-to date.
All staff at Schools Out Childcare are expected to maintain high standards of personal hygiene. Fingernails will be kept short and clean and nail varnish will not be worn as this may contaminate food. Cuts, spots and sores must be completely covered by a brightly-coloured waterproof dressing. Staff will avoid wearing jewellery e.g. rings and watches when preparing food. Hands will be washed after going to the toilet, emptying the bin or touching your face or hair. The bathroom will always have hot water, soap and paper towels available.
Staff will always cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, then wash their hands. Gum will not be chewed in the food preparation area. When preparing food, staff should avoid touching hair and where possible hair will be tied back.
Food Handling and Preparation
The staff are responsible for ensuring that any children who handle food, do so safely. Food and drink will not be consumed in the food preparation area. When preparing food, nobody will taste the food being prepared by sticking fingers in or eating off kitchen utensils. This is particularly relevant when the children are involved in cooking activities.
Food handlers, including children, will wash their hands regularly, especially:
● after visiting the toilet
● when entering the area where food is handled
● between handling raw and cooked food
● after eating, coughing, sneezing, blowing noses etc.
● after handling waste food or refuse
● after handling cleaning materials
● after outside activities e.g. sports or school collections
Hand-washing posters are displayed prominently at Schools Out Childcare. Clean utensils will always be used and different cutlery and chopping boards will be used for raw and cooked foods.
When preparing and handling food, staff will:
● keep ready-to-eat food completely separate from eggs and unwashed vegetables
● make sure work surfaces, chopping boards, knives etc. are clean
● ideally, use separate colour coded chopping boards and utensils for ready-to-eat food
● keep ready-to-eat food covered at all times during preparation and storage.
Food Poisoning
Staff will immediately report any symptoms of poisoning i.e. diarrhoea, vomiting etc. affecting either themselves or the children, to the manager and/or leader. Anyone suffering from these symptoms should not be attending the club for at least 48 hours in order to eliminate the spread of infection. When a parent notifies the club that their child is suffering from sickness and/or diarrhoea, the staff member receiving the information will notify the manager/leader immediately. The manager/leader will enter details onto an incident form and store it in the child’s file and all staff should be notified. Under no circumstances will staff or children suffering from sickness and or diarrhoea be involved in food handling activities.
Food Storage
Food will always be stored safely and correctly. Best before and use by dates will be checked regularly and any food that is out of date will be disposed of. The fridge will be set at 5°C or below. The freezer will be kept at a temperature of at least -18 degrees centigrade. Hot foods will not be put into the fridge or freezer, otherwise the temperature inside can rise to a dangerous level. The fridge and freezer will not be overloaded, or the cold air won’t flow properly.
At the beginning of each session, staff will check that:
● the fridge is working properly
● other equipment (e.g. oven) is working properly
● staff are fit for work and wearing clean work clothes
● food preparation areas are clean and disinfected (work surfaces, equipment, utensils, etc.)
● all areas are free from evidence of pest activity
● there are plenty of handwashing and cleaning materials (soap, paper towels, sanitiser, etc.)
● hot running water is available at all sinks and hand wash basins
At the end of each session, staff will check that:
● all food is covered, labelled and put in the fridge/freezer (where appropriate) food on its Use By date has been thrown away
● dirty cleaning equipment has been cleaned or thrown away
● waste has been removed and new bags put into the bins
● food preparation areas are clean and disinfected (work surfaces, equipment, utensils etc.)
● all washing up has been finished
● floors are swept and clean.
Cleaning and Waste Management
All staff are aware of the importance of keeping food preparation areas clean and tidy. Chopping boards will be thoroughly cleaned between uses and chopping boards that are scratched, pitted or scored will be thrown away. For food that has been prepared on site, or removed from its original packaging, stickers will be used to keep track of when food should be used by or thrown away. The optimum conditions for bacteria to thrive are food, moisture, warmth and time, therefore all surfaces in the kitchen should be smooth and easy to clean. The floors and surfaces of the food preparation area will be regularly cleaned to keep bacteria at bay.
Cleaning chemicals will be stored separately from food and clearly labelled. The fridge will be regularly cleaned and disinfected, and the freezer regularly defrosted, at a time when they do not contain much food. During this time, food will be stored in another fridge/freezer or a safe cold area and kept covered. The bins will be emptied every day and bin bags will never be left on the floor. New or freshly cleaned and disinfected cloths will be used - ideally, clothes will be washed in a washing machine on a 90 degree cycle.
Use disposable cloths or paper towels for the following jobs:
● wiping surfaces
● mopping up spills
● wiping hands
Schools Out Childcare has a cleaning schedule for cupboards, fridge, bins, floors and surfaces. Spillages will be cleaned up straight away, otherwise food or liquid will attract pests, and taps will be turned off properly at the end of each session to avoid attracting rodents who seek out water sources. Bins will have close-fitting lids and will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Pest Control
If anyone sees signs of a pest infestation, they will alert the manager immediately, who will call a pest contractor. The school caretaker will be informed and he will arrange for the situation to be dealt with e.g. by a pest contractor. If any equipment, surfaces or utensils could have been touched by pests, they should be washed, disinfected and dried to stop harmful bacteria from spreading. If any food could have been touched by pests in any way, throw it away.
All staff who are involved with handling food are fully trained to implement this policy. Food safety training will be renewed by staff every three years.
Staff and visitors must obey the Schools Out Childcare’s No Smoking Policy
A grievance is a complaint by an employee about any aspect of their employment such as
• terms and conditions of employment
• health and safety
• work relations
• bullying and harassment
• new working practices
• working environment
• organisational change
• discrimination
• pay
The grievance must be one that lies within the power of the manager to resolve, e.g. it must not be a grievance about matters determined by legislation. Where another policy is used to address the grievance then the grievance procedure is not available in addition.
This procedure is not intended to deal with:
• Dismissal or disciplinary matters which are dealt with in a separate procedure.
In the event of a member of staff wishing to raise a grievance, it is preferable for the grievance to be satisfactorily resolved as close to the individual and the leader as possible. It is understood however that this is not always possible and that a formal procedure is required to ensure the swift and fair resolution of matters which aggrieve the employees.
An employee who is a member of a trade union may consult that trade union’s representative before invoking the grievance procedure, but the employee should normally raise the problem personally with the imanager before involving his/her trade union representative.
The leader will treat all employees’ grievances seriously and attempt to resolve them as quickly as possible. There should be no attempt to block an employee’s wish to raise the grievance.
Time scales have been fixed to ensure that grievances are dealt with quickly, however these may be extended if it is agreed upon by both parties. Employees should recognise that an investigation may be necessary which may delay the process beyond normal time limits.
Stages of the Grievance Procedure
Raising Grievances Informally
The employee should raise the grievance with the person causing the grievance in the first instance. If the grievance cannot be resolved directly, or the employee feels unable to raise it directly then the employee should personally present the grievance, either orally or in writing, to the leader. The leader should give a reply as soon as possible, within a calendar week, even if it is only an interim reply.
Formal Grievance
If the employee is not satisfied with the reply by his/her leader, the employee should submit the grievance in writing, indicating that it is a formal grievance. The written grievance should contain a brief description of the nature of the complaint, including any relevant facts, dates and names of individuals involved.
Grievance hearing
The leader will arrange a meeting with the employee to hear the grievance and will reply as soon as possible, within two calendar weeks, even if it is only an interim reply pending further investigation. At this stage, the employee may be accompanied by a trade union representative or a work colleague. If it is necessary for the leader to attempt conciliation between two or more employees at this stage, each employee may be accompanied by a trade union representative or a work colleague at any meeting called by the leader. The leader may also be accompanied by another employee. If the leader is unable to resolve the grievance and/or the employee raising the grievance is not satisfied with the outcome then the employee may appeal.
The aggrieved employee will be invited to an appeal meeting, normally within five days, and the appeal will be heard by the manager. The employee will have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative at this meeting if they wish. After the meeting the manager will give their decision, normally within 24 hours. The manager’s decision is final.
Effective health and safety management requires a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy, which fulfils the club's ethos as well as its legal requirements. The policy should be effectively implemented in all club practices. In order to achieve high standards and continually improve health and safety performance, Our Childcare Club is committed to implementing the necessary health and safety procedures.
We recognise that:
• a responsible approach to health and safety, based on systematic risk assessment procedures, can minimise injury and ill health to staff and children
• there is a connection between quality and health and safety
• effective health and safety management can contribute to club performance by preserving and developing human and physical resources - reducing costs and liabilities and is a means of expressing management responsibility
• in order to continually improve our standards, we must constantly monitor and review our policies, procedures and performance
We are committed to:
• Developing the appropriate club structure and culture, which supports the concept of risk management and endeavour to secure active participation from our team
• Adequately resorting and planning the implementation of this policy
• Developing, in all our staff, an understanding of health and safety through training and implementation of our childcare legal requirements
• Constantly monitoring and reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure that we experience continual improvement in our standards of performance
Children are supervised at all times and playworkers are always aware of what is happening around them. Playworkers take care not to turn their backs on the children or to become too involved in specific activities, which would distract from good supervision. Children are not permitted to leave the main activity area without an adult, particularly when playing outdoors. Playworkers are very careful to ensure that children return indoors with an adult.
All playworkers receive training in Safeguarding. There are documented procedures to be followed for dealing with suspected cases of child abuse (see our Safeguarding Policy) and all playworkers are made aware of these procedures during their induction.
Incidents and Accidents
There are documented procedures in place for dealing with incidents and accidents within the club. The club has an Incident and Accident book and all incidents and accidents are recorded.
Emergency Procedure
There is a documented procedure for emergencies and this is displayed on the wall of the club. All staff are trained in the emergency procedure and fire drills are carried out regularly.
In accordance with registration procedures, children will not be admitted to the club if they are showing signs of sickness or any ailment, which could be contagious. If a child becomes unwell during the course of a session, playworkers should ensure that the child is treated promptly and appropriately so that the risk to any of the other children is minimised.
Administration of Medicines
There is a procedure in place, which ensures that any medicine to be administered to a child has been authorised by the parent/guardian, that a named member of staff has been trained to administer it and records are kept of any medicines administered. This procedure is strictly adhered to.
Risk Assessment of Activities
All activities which take place within the club and during trips and outings, have been assessed and planned to minimise or eliminate any associated risks. Playworkers are trained in risk assessment techniques and are extremely vigilant about supervision.
Personal Hygiene
Children in our club are encouraged to maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene and there are procedures in place to ensure that standards are followed e.g. making sure that children wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating.
Maintenance and storage of equipment and materials
A wide variety of play equipment is available for the children to use and is selected by ensuring approved quality suppliers comply with the British Safety Standards. Play equipment is regularly checked and maintained.
The Premises
The club premises, including the outside play areas, are kept safe and clean at all times. Playworkers carry out a daily Risk Assessment and any problems are noted and reported to the Manager for action. There is cleaning and clearing up at the end of each session to ensure that the premises are left safe, clean and tidy.
Safety and Security
Security and safety within the club are a priority. The door to the club is kept locked and only authorised persons are admitted onto the premises. Visitors, other than the named persons collecting the children, must pre-arrange their visits and carry identification. Visitors are signed in and out on the daily register and are not left unattended where children are present.
Smoking / alcohol / drugs
We operate a No Smoking / No Alcohol / No Drugs policy and this is strictly enforced. This means that there is no smoking, no alcohol, no drugs:
• on club premises
• during club hours, including collections
• during preparation time
• during clear up time
• at staff meetings
• at any gathering arranged by the club e.g. viewings for parents
We recognise that all children have the right to experience and participate fully, in rich and stimulating play opportunities. We aim to create a fully inclusive child-centered play environment which is open and accessible to all. We aim to:
• Provide adequate and appropriate childcare, taking into account the individual needs of all children using our provision.
• Ensure, wherever possible,additional resources for children to ensure their full potential.
• Work closely with parents/carers in order to share appropriate information on the child and to offer support where necessary.
• Liaise and interact with outside agencies seeking advice and support as and when appropriate.
• Attend SEN/disability training when available to build on professional development and inclusive practice.
• Ensure that all children have equality of access and are encouraged to participate in every aspect of the provision.
• Adapt the provision as far as possible to meet the needs of the children attending.
• Empower all children through consultation and decision making.
• Provide a range of activities and experiences which nuture and build on individual strengths and weaknesses.
• Work within the guidelines as stated within the Disability Discrimination Act.
• Provide a safe and supportive play environment in which the contribution of all children is valued and where racial, religious, disability and gender stereotypes are challenged.
• Enable all children to access play and learning in all areas of their lives, ie socially, mentally, physically and emotionally.
• We will continually review and seek to improve both our practice and policies in all areas which have an impact on creating inclusive play opportunities for children.
Our club is committed to the health and safety of all of our children and staff. As such it will sometimes be necessary to request that a child who is unwell is collected early from a session or be kept at home until they get better.
If a child has become ill at the club and needs to go home the parent or carer will be notified immediately. The child will be comforted, kept safe and under close supervision until they are collected. If a child has had to go home prematurely due to illness, they should remain at home until they are better for at least 24 hours, or according to the time stated in the Communicable Disease Chart (copy kept on premises). If a member of staff becomes ill at work, similar restrictions on their return will apply.
If a child or member of staff becomes ill outside of the club hours, the club should be notified as soon as possible. The minimum exclusion periods outlined in the table will then come into operation.
If any infectious or communicable disease is detected on the club's premises, the club will inform the parents and carers in writing as soon as possible. The club is committed to sharing as much information as possible about the source of the disease and the steps being taken to remove it.
Ofsted will also be informed of any infectious or communicable diseases discovered on the club's premises.
Head Lice
When a case of head lice is discovered at the club, the situation will be handled carefully and safely. The child concerned will not be isolated from the other children, and there is no need for them to be excluded from activities or sessions at the club. When the child concerned is collected from the club, their parent or carer will be informed in a sensitive manner. Other parents and carers will be informed as quickly as possible in writing, including advice and guidance on treating head lice.
Staff should check themselves regularly for lice and treat whenever necessary
Children should be encouraged to act as independently as possible and to undertake as much of their own personal care as is practicable. When assistance is required, staff should ensure that another appropriate adult is in the vicinity and is aware of the task to be undertaken. Children will be offered a change of underwear by the staff. However no member of staff is permitted to inspect or change a child’s underwear.Intimate Care Policies are used solely for children with special physical or educational needs, requiring support with toileting requirements.
Intimate care covers areas of personal care which most people carry out for themselves but some people are unable to do so because of an impairment or disability. Disabled children and young people might require help with eating and drinking or other aspects of intimate personal care such as washing, dressing and toileting. All children who have intimate care needs should be treated respectfully and sensitively at all times. A child's welfare and dignity should be of the highest priority.
• Playworkers who provide intimate care at the club should have training in Safeguarding and moving and handling (if appropriate)
• All intimate care needs should be fully discussed with the child's parents/carers prior to the child's arrival at the club
• A suitable room or area should be prepared to ensure intimate care needs can be provided for appropriately
• A second playworker should be discreetly present in the room to ensure the potential for safeguarding issues are minimal and to help with lifting and handling as required
• Antibacterial based hand wash must be used by the playworker before treatment is given
• Disposable gloves must be worn whilst intimate care is being given
• An intimate care record should be completed each time intimate care has been given
• Wherever possible the same child should not be cared for by the same adult on a regular basis.
Our club has the highest regard for the safety of the children in our care. Even when all precautions are properly observed, emergencies can still arise. Therefore members of staff will undertake periodic head counts, especially at the transition points (in addition to the registration procedures set out in the Arrivals and Departures Policy). If for any reason a member of staff cannot account for a child's whereabouts during a session at the club, the following procedure will be adhered to:
•The member of staff in question will inform the manager and the rest of the staff team that the child is missing and a thorough search of the entire premises will commence. The staff team will be careful not to create an atmosphere of panic and to ensure that the other children remain safe and adequately supervised.
• The manager will nominate two members of staff to search the area surrounding the premises. All staff will be extra vigilant to any potentially suspicious behaviour or persons in or around the club.
• If after fifteen minutes of thorough searching the child is still missing, the manager will inform the police and then the child's parent or carer.
• While waiting for the police and the parent or carer to arrive, searches for the child will continue. During this period, other members of staff will maintain as normal a routine as is possible for the rest of the children at the club.
• The manager will be responsible for meeting the police and the missing child's parent or carer. The manager will co-ordinate any actions instructed by the police, and do all they can to comfort and reassure the parent or carer.
• Once the incident is resolved, the manager and the staff team will review relevant policies and procedures and implement any necessary changes.
• All incidents of children going missing from the club will be recorded, and in cases where either the police or social services have been informed, Ofsted will also be informed, as soon as it is possible to do so.
While we recognise the importance of a club mobile phone for communication purposes we are aware that casual or inappropriate use of mobile phones in the club could pose a risk to children. In order to maintain a high standard in safeguarding our children Schools Out Childcare has put the following policy into place.
Club Phone
The club will have its own mobile phone, and its number will be given to parents/carers and others who may need to contact the club.
Staff personal mobile phones
Staff will not carry personal mobile phones while working. This protects staff from being distracted from their work, and from allegations of inappropriate use. Their phones will be kept in an agreed area in the club. Only the manager is permitted to have their mobile phone to hand during working hours.
Staff must give the club telephone number to their next of kin, in case it is necessary for the staff member to be contacted, in an emergency, during session hours. If any staff member has a family emergency and is required to keep their mobile close at hand then the manager must be consulted and give permission.
Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones into the club.
Visitors and parents/carers
The club will display a notice advising visitors and parents/carers that mobile phones are not to be used in the setting. If a visitor or parent/carer is seen using their mobile phone, they will be asked to use it away from the setting.
The club notes the following Ofsted advice:
"If inspectors observe, or become aware of, staff using a mobile phone for non essential purposes they will consider drawing this to the attention of the manager, supervisor or registered provider. They will also consider if the staff member was meeting the needs of the children, when using the telephone, and consider the impact on the inspection judgements, including setting an action."
It is recognised that one of the key ways to support children’s development, and engage parents in children’s learning, is through photographs that record their children’s activities and achievements. We will seek permission from parents/carers to take photographs of their children for this purpose, using the club’s own camera. At all times the camera must be placed in a prominent place where it can be seen and under no circumstances must cameras of any kind be taken into the toilet areas. Camera or video functions on mobile phones must not be used in the setting.
This policy applies to all staff and volunteers, and covers both indoor and outdoor areas. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action.
We operate a No Smoking / No Alcohol / No Drugs Policy.
This is strictly enforced. This means that there is no smoking, no alcohol, no drugs allowed:
• on club premises
• during club hours, including collections
• during preparation time
• during clear up time
• at staff training days
• at staff meetings
• at any gathering arranged by the club e.g. viewings for parents
This policy also applies to visitors to the club. We believe that this is in the best interest of staff and children.
The purpose of this policy statement is to:
• ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is paramount when adults, young people or children are using the internet, social media or mobile devices
• provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to online safety
• ensure that, as an organisation, we operate in line with our values and within the law in terms of how we use online devices.
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England and applies to all staff, volunteers, children and young people and anyone involved in Schools Out Childcare’s activities.
We believe that:
• children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
• children should be able to use the internet for education and personal development, but safeguards need to be in place to ensure they are kept safe at all times.
We recognise that:
• the online world provides everyone with many opportunities; however it can also present risks and challenges
• we have a duty to ensure that all children, young people and adults involved in our organisation are protected from potential harm online
• we have a responsibility to help keep children and young people safe online, whether or not they are using Schools Out Childcare’s network and devices
• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
• working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare and in helping young people to be responsible in their approach to online safety.
We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:
• appointing an online safety coordinator
• providing clear and specific directions to staff and volunteers on how to behave online through our behaviour code for adults
• supporting and encouraging the young people using our service to use the internet, social media and mobile phones in a way that keeps them safe and shows respect for others
• supporting and encouraging parents and carers to do what they can to keep their children safe online
• developing an online safety agreement for use with young people and their parents/carers
• developing clear and robust procedures to enable us to respond appropriately to any incidents of inappropriate online behaviour, whether by an adult or a child/young person
• reviewing and updating the security of our information systems regularly
• ensuring that user names, logins, email accounts and passwords are used effectively
• ensuring personal information about the adults and children who are involved in our organisation is held securely and shared only as appropriate
• ensuring that images of children, young people and families are used only after their written permission has been obtained, and only for the purpose for which consent has been given
• providing supervision, support and training for staff and volunteers about online safety
• examining and risk assessing any social media platforms and new technologies before they are used within the organisation.
If online abuse occurs, we will respond to it by:
• having clear and robust safeguarding procedures in place for responding to abuse (including online abuse)
• providing support and training for all staff and volunteers on dealing with all forms of abuse, including bullying/cyberbullying, emotional abuse, sexting, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation
• making sure our response takes the needs of the person experiencing abuse, any bystanders and our organisation as a whole into account
• reviewing the plan developed to address online abuse at regular intervals, in order to ensure that any problems have been resolved in the long term.
This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures, including:
• Safeguarding
• Dealing with allegations of abuse made against a child or young person
• Managing allegations against staff and volunteers
• Code of conduct for staff and volunteers
• Anti-bullying policy and procedures
• Photography and image sharing guidance
Contact details
Online safety co-ordinator: Margaret Vent
Senior lead for safeguarding and child protection: Margaret Vent
Purpose of this policy
All children are entitled to play; it is intrinsic to their quality of life and an important part of how they learn and enjoy themselves.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure all children have access to a richly resourced play environment, and are given the opportunity to have access to the outdoor area during all weathers, other than when it is unsafe to do so.
According to the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2017), “Play is essential for children’s development building their confidence as they learn to explore to think about problems and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.”
At Schools Out Childcare we support and facilitate play, and do not seek to control or direct it. We will never force children to participate in play but allow children to initiate and direct the experience for themselves. Our aim for both indoor and outdoor play will be to provide a stimulating and safe environment for children’s learning in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Close observation is essential in order to assess children’s ability and to ensure appropriate supervision is provided.
Indoor Play
A wide range of indoor games and activities are available eg arts and crafts, board games, role play, jigsaws, building blocks, playstation and wii. We also have a reading corner - the Club has a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books, suitable for all age ranges.
We support and facilitate indoor play by:
• Providing an environment which is safe and suitable for playing
• Setting up the Club so that activities are ready before the children arrive where possible
• All play areas are checked, and risk assessed daily before the children arrive
• Providing a range of equipment, resources and activities on a daily basis
• Encouraging children to request additional or alternative equipment as they choose, and if a request has to be refused, explaining why
• Ensuring that there is always the correct staff ratios for supervision
• Not expecting children to be occupied at all times
• Involving children in generating ideas for activities, to reflect their own interests
• Planning activities that enable children to develop their natural curiosity
• Allowing children freedom of creative expression, particularly in artistic or creative play
• The resources used at the Club promote positive images of different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and abilities, in line with our Equal Opportunities policy.
• Intervening in play only when necessary: to reduce risks of accident or injury, or to encourage appropriate social skills
• Warning children in advance when an activity or game is due to end
Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is essential for all aspects of a child’s development. It provides children with experiences which enable them to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. In doing so, it provides opportunities to develop their communication skills and encourages positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.
We support and facilitate outdoor play by:
• Providing an environment which is safe and suitable for playing
• Outdoor play areas are checked, and risk assessed daily before the children go out to play
• Providing a range of equipment, resources and activities on a daily basis
• Encouraging children to request additional or alternative equipment as they choose, and if a request has to be refused, explaining why
• Nursery and Reception children to play in the garden area and Years 1 to 4 will use the school playground
• Not expecting children to be occupied at all times
• Making outdoor play available every day, unless the weather is particularly bad or it is too dark
• Being aware of the health and well-being benefits to children who regularly access outdoor play activities
• Ensuring that children are appropriately dressed for all weather conditions.
• Allowing children to take controlled risks in a safe secure environment.
• Ensuring that there is always the correct staff ratios for supervision and that staff are well deployed and extra vigilant
• Intervening in play only when necessary: to reduce risks of accident or injury, or to encourage appropriate social skills
• Warning children in advance when an activity or game is due to end
Prevent is part of the UK’s counter terrorism strategy, preventing people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism.
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 puts a legal responsibility on all professionals working with children to participate in work to prevent people being drawn into terrorism. The Act also requires professionals to challenge extremist ideas that support or are shared by terrorist groups.
Children have a right to expect to be looked after in a safe and secure environment and to be protected from harm. Children are best protected by professionals who are clear about what is required of them individually, and collectively.
All professionals that work with children have a responsibility for keeping them safe. Staff must remember “it could happen here.”
When people think about terrorism they often think about the attacks but the attack is the tip of the iceberg. What goes on below the waterline are the elements that happen prior to a terrorist attack that people often don't consider:
• the attack planning
• the target reconnaissance
• fundraising
• training
• grooming/radicalisation
You have responsibilities as a professional carer. Ensure that you know Schools Out safeguarding policies and procedures and what to do if you're concerned about a child.
1. Notice
Notice if a child’s behaviour changes. Know what to be aware of and what to look out for.
2. Check
Check with someone if you have concerns. This will most likely be Margaret or Edward.
3. Share
Share your concerns with the designated safeguarding lead (Margaret). She will note the information and take next steps as necessary. (This could include talking to parents, the school or the Local Authority’s safeguarding officer)
Schools Out aim to:
• Show that fundamental British values underpin practice and relationships in the setting
• Train staff to give them the knowledge and confidence to identify children at risk
• Protect children from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet (eg at home)
• Ensure robust safeguarding policies are in place to identify children at risk, intervene and refer children as appropriate
• Plan activities that will encourage children to show respect for others, understand the feelings of others and demonstrate fairness in their play
We always ensure that we use safe recruitment practices to ensure that all people working with the children in our care are safe and qualified to do so. When recruiting paid staff or volunteers we will follow the procedures set out below.
Advertising the vacancy
We will advertise all vacancies, and upon enquiring about a vacancy, we will send potential candidates:
• a job description
• a person specification
• an application form
The application form includes:
• instructions that the application form must be completed by hand
• a declaration that all information is correct
• a section under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act that asks if the applicant has been awaiting a verdict, convicted, or cautioned for any relevant offence
• a request for the contact details of two referees one of which should be the last employer (if this is their first job, their course tutor is a suitable alternative)
In order to be considered for interview, all applicants must submit a hand-written application form by the stated closing date. We will only accept CVs if they are also accompanied by our standard application form completed as required.
Interview procedure
We will notify all candidates selected for interview by email. All candidates will be asked to bring the following items to the interview:
• proof of identity, eg passport, driving licence or birth certificate
• proof of address, eg recent utility bill (not mobile phone) or bank statement
• proof of qualifications, ie the relevant certificates
• for non-British nationals, proof of the right to work in the UK (as required by the Asylum and Immigration Act)
Appoiting a new member of staff
When we have selected the successful candidate, we will:
• send him or her a written offer, which will clearly state that it is subject to the receipt of suitable references and a clear enhanced DBS check
• contact both referees for a reference, including asking them if they have any child protection concerns about the candidate
• notify any unsuccessful interviewees
We will also take photocopies of the new member of staff’s qualification certificates and proof of identity and keep these on file, together with their DBS details.
When a new member of staff starts work we will give him or her our club policies to read, and ensure that they sign a form to confirm that they have read and understood them; the form will be kept on file.
We will conduct a full induction and orientation programme with all new members of staff as set out in our Staff Induction policy.
Schools Out Childcare believes that every child, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, is equally protected from harm. We have Safeguarding policies and procedures in place to ensure this happens.
Safeguarding means:
- protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- preventing harm to children’s health or development
- ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
Child Protection is part of the Safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child. Schools Out Childcare is committed to building a culture of safety in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation. We will respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur.
Our Child Protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP). There is a Child Protection Officer (CPO) available at all times while the Club is in session. The CPO coordinates child protection issues and liaises with external agencies (eg Social Care and Ofsted).
Designated CPO - Margaret Vent
Deputy CPO - Edward Clifford
Child Abuse and Neglect
Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly, or by failing to protect them from harm. Some forms of child abuse and neglect are listed below.
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child so as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making the child feel that they are worthless, unloved, or inadequate. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
Physical abuse can involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may be also caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child.
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This can involve physical contact, or non-contact activities such as showing children sexual activities or encouraging them to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs. It can involve a failure to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter, to protect a child from physical and emotional harm, to ensure adequate supervision or to allow access to medical treatment.
Signs of possible abuse and neglect may include:
- significant changes in a child's behaviour
- deterioration in a child’s general well-being
- unexplained bruising or marks
- comments made by a child which give cause for concern
- reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting, eg in the child’s home, or that a girl may have been subjected to (or is at risk of) female genital mutilation (FGM), or that the child may have witnessed domestic abuse
- inappropriate behaviour displayed by a member of staff, or any other person. For example, inappropriate sexual comments, excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their role, or inappropriate sharing of images.
If abuse is suspected or disclosed When a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff will:
- reassure the child that they were not to blame and were right to speak out
- listen to the child but not question them
- give reassurance that the staff member will take action
- record the incident as soon as possible (see Logging a Concern below).
If a member of staff witnesses or suspects abuse, they will record the matter straight away using the Logging a Concern form. If a third party expresses concern that a child is being abused, we will encourage them to contact Social Care directly. If they will not do so, we will explain that we are obliged to and the incident will be logged accordingly.
Peer-on-peer abuse
Children are vulnerable to abuse by their peers. Peer-on-peer abuse is taken seriously by staff at Schools Out Childcare and will be subject to the same child protection procedures as other forms of abuse. Staff are aware of the potential uses of information technology for bullying and abusive behaviour between young people.
Staff will not dismiss abusive behaviour as normal between young people. The presence of one or more of the following in relationships between children should always trigger concern about the possibility of peer-on-peer abuse:
- sexual activity (in primary school-aged children) of any kind, including sexting
- one of the children is significantly more dominant than the other (eg much older)
- one of the children is significantly more vulnerable than the other (eg in terms of disability, confidence, physical strength)
- there has been some use of threats, bribes or coercion to ensure compliance or secrecy.
If peer-on-peer abuse is suspected or disclosed we will follow the same procedures as set out above for responding to child abuse.
Extremism and Radicalisation
Children can be exposed to different views and receive information from various sources. Some of these views may be considered radical or extreme. Radicalisation is the process through which a person comes to support or be involved in extremist ideologies. It can result in a person becoming drawn into terrorism and is in itself a form of harm. All childcare settings have a legal duty to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into extremism. There are many reasons why a child might be vulnerable to radicalisation:
- feeling alienated or alone
- seeking a sense of identity or individuality
- suffering from mental health issues such as depression
- desire for adventure or wanting to be part of a larger cause
- associating with others who hold extremist beliefs
Signs that a child might be at risk of radicalisation include:
- changes in behaviour, for example becoming withdrawn or aggressive
- claiming that terrorist attacks and violence are justified
- viewing violent extremist material online
- possessing or sharing violent extremist material
If a member of staff suspects that a child is at risk of becoming radicalised, they will record any relevant information or observations on a Logging a Concern form, and refer the matter to the CPO.
Logging a Concern
All information about the suspected abuse or disclosure, or concern about radicalisation, will be recorded on the Logging a Concern form as soon as possible after the event. The record should include:
- date of the disclosure, or the incident, or the observation causing concern
- date and time at which the record was made
- name and date of birth of the child involved
- a factual report of what happened.
When recording a disclosure, the member of staff must use the child’s own words, and include their own name, signature and job title. The record will be given to the Club’s CPO who will decide on the appropriate course of action. For concerns about child abuse, the CPO will contact Social Care. The CPO will follow up all referrals to Social Care in writing within 48 hours. If a member of staff thinks that the incident has not been dealt with properly, they may contact Social Care directly.
For minor concerns regarding radicalisation, the CPO will contact the NSCP or the Newcastle Prevent Co-ordinator. For more serious concerns the CPO will contact the Police on the non-emergency number (101), or the antiterrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. For urgent concerns the CPO will contact the Police using 999.
Use of mobile phones and cameras
It’s important that children and young people feel happy with their achievements and have photographs and films of their special moments. Family and friends also want to be able to share the successes of their children when they have been part of a special event or activity. However, some children, parents or carers may not be comfortable with images of themselves or their children being shared. For example:
- if a child and/or their family have experienced abuse they may worry about the perpetrator tracing them online
- children who choose not to have contact with some members of their family may decide to minimise their online presence
- families may have religious or cultural reasons for choosing not to be photographed.
We will always consider the data protection implications of making, using and storing images of children and young people for our organisation’s use. Photographs will only be taken of children with their parents’ permission. Only the club camera will be used to take photographs of children at the Club. Neither staff, children nor visitors may use their mobile phones to take photographs at the Club. Staff will lock away their mobile phones before the start of each session.
Allegations against staff
If anyone makes an allegation of child abuse against a member of staff the allegation will be recorded on an Incident Record form. Any witnesses to the incident will sign and date the entry to confirm it. The allegation will be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and to Ofsted. The LADO will advise if other agencies (eg police) should be informed, and we will act upon their advice. Any telephone reports to the LADO will be followed up in writing within 48 hours. Following advice from the LADO, it may be necessary to suspend the member of staff pending full investigation of the allegation. If appropriate, we will make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Promoting awareness among staff
Schools Out Childcare promotes awareness of child abuse and the risk of radicalisation through its staff training. We ensure that:
- the designated CPO has relevant experience and receives appropriate training in Safeguarding and the Prevent Duty
- the designated CPO is aware of the Channel Programme and how to access it (Channel is a multi-agency approach to identify and provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.)
- the designated CPO will refresh their training every three years
- safe recruitment practices are followed for all new staff
- all staff have a copy of this Safeguarding Policy, understand its contents and are vigilant to signs of abuse, neglect or radicalisation
- all staff are aware of their statutory duties with regard to the disclosure or discovery of child abuse, and concerns about radicalisation
- all staff receive basic safeguarding training, and safeguarding is a permanent agenda item at all staff meetings
- all staff receive basic training in the Prevent Duty
- all staff are familiar with the Safeguarding File which is kept in the filing cabinet
- the Club’s procedures are in line with the guidance in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)’ and staff are familiar with ‘What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused (2015)’.
Contact numbers
Social Care - 0191 277 2500
Social Care out of hours contact - 0191 278 7878
Local Authority Designated Officer - Melanie Scott 0191 211 6730
Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership - 0191 277 7426
Local Authority Prevent Co-ordinator - Joe Hogan 07710 845 366
Police (non-emergency) 101
Police (emergency) 999
Anti-terrorist hotline 0800 789 321
NSPCC 0808 800 500
Ofsted 0300 123 1231
Schools Out Childcare recognises that many staff enjoy networking with friends and family via Facebook or other social networking sites. However we have to balance this against our duty to maintain the confidentiality of children attending the club and their families as well as ensuring that our good reputation is upheld. All staff members and volunteers working at Schools Out are expected to maintain high standards of conduct and behaviour both within and outside of their professional responsibilities. Their decision to work with young people carries a duty of care and places them in a position of power and trust. Staff must remember that they are ambassadors for the club and as such they are expected to conduct themselves accordingly when using social media sites.
For this reason, staff should carefully consider their personal use of social networking sites and review not only the level of private information that they share online but also the suitability of any content in respect of their professional role. Staff need to be aware of accidentally or purposefully bringing their workplace or their professional role into disrepute through inadvertently posting inappropriate comments about work on their profile, for instance criticising policy or fellow colleagues. Comments made on social networking sites could be seen by other colleagues, young people attending the club or their parents. There are always going to be risks to using any form of communication which lies within the public domain as it is very difficult to control exactly who will end up seeing comments posted on social networking sites.
Staff must be acutely aware of the fine line and the boundaries between their professional and private lives. Crossing this line could leave members of staff open to false allegations, misinterpretations, cyberbullying or disciplinary action.
• No information published via the internet is ever totally secure; if you don’t want information to become public, do not post it online.
• Once an image or information is in the public domain, it is potentially there forever
Privacy Settings
• All staff must ensure that all their privacy settings are set to ‘Friends Only’. This can be done by example on Facebook by going to your Account Settings and make sure that the Custom Settings are highlighted and that these show that status, photos and posts are all set to ‘Friends Only’
• Staff need to check their privacy settings on a regular basis. Social networking sites can change these and often do so without informing you.
• Consider carefully what information you have on your info page and be careful what photographs you include on your profile as these can be viewed by any member of the public.
• Staff should not accept as 'friends' any of the young people attending the club (including those who have recently left the club). This will help protect staff from any misunderstanding of their actions
• Staff are also strongly advised not to accept 'friend' invitations from parents or carers
• Whilst we recognise that staff may have parents who are friends outside the club environment staff must be aware that they are parents and that they need to see you acting professionally at all times. Inappropriate comments and ‘letting off steam’ regarding the club and it’s staff team are not acceptable at any time and may lead to disciplinary action being taken against you.
Posts and Status updates
Ensure that you do not bring your professional status or the club into disrepute. Doing so may lead to disciplinary action being taken against you.
• Consider carefully what you post about colleagues, children using the club or their families. Even if individuals are not named, people can read between the lines
• Taking charge of your digital reputation is important, as unprofessional posts or images may lead to disciplinary action being taken against you.
• Do not publish any photographs or materials that could identify the children or the club. Please remember no photos should have been taken – see the club's Mobile Phone Policy
• Staff are urged to report comments made on social networking sites that make them feel uncomfortable, bring the club's name into disrepute or are about a member of the childcare staff – regardless of whether they are named or not.
• Equally, if you are alerted to any negative or unscrupulous information about yourself, colleagues or the club on social networking sites then staff must inform the manager as soon as possible
• Staff being seen to ‘like’ or comment on such status updates may also face disciplinary action
• Any member of staff who posts content or comments that breach confidentiality or which could harm the reputation of our club or other staff members, or who publishes photographs of the setting or children, will face disciplinary action in line with our Staff Disciplinary policy
Each new member of staff will be required to read all of the clubs policies and procedures. During the first few weeks of their employment, the manager will discuss the practical implications of the clubs policies and procedures with them. The new staff member will sign to confirm that they have read and understood the clubs policies. They should seek clarification with the manager for anything they aren’t sure about.
As part of the induction process the manager will also:
• Introduce the new worker to their colleagues, children and parents or carers
• Show the new member of staff around the premises, pointing out all fire exits, location of first aid kit and fire safety equipment, location of club records and documentation, storage, toilets etc
• Show the new member of staff any outside play areas, fire assembly points, collection points at the school, route from the school to the club etc and highlight any known hazards
• Explain all aspects of the day-to-day management and running of the club
• Inform the new member of staff about the clubs obligation to comply with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
• Explain the processes for appraisals, training and development, booking holidays, sickness absence etc
• Ensure the new member of staff is made aware of any special circumstances or child that attends the club
Development and training
To ensure that staff development needs are being met, and that staff training and qualifications are meeting the requirements of the club and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, we provide all our staff with:
• a thorough induction process
• an annual appraisal
• opportunities for training and professional development
We also keep an up to date record of staff qualifications and maintain a training development plan in accordance with Ofsted guidelines.
The manager will hold an annual appraisal meeting with each member of staff. The appraisal will be used to reflect on progress and challenges over the previous year and to identify current knowledge and skills, areas for future development and potential training needs.
The manager will identify and promote suitable training courses for staff so that they can expand their professional development and keep their knowledge of childcare and playwork issues up to date. Staff are expected to attend training courses as and when requested by their manager.
Staff meetings
Staff meetings provide a forum in which staff can share information, solve problems and raise work issues. Staff meetings are held every half term
Staff Ratios
There must be a ratio of 1 – 8 staff to children. Regardless of the number of children there must always be two members of staff supervising in the room. If the children are playing outdoors there must always be adequate supervision.
Arrivals and Departures
Staff go to the school to collect the children. The names of the children who attend the school are on a pickup list as well as the main register. This list is taken over to the school and when all of the children are assembled a member of the school staff sign the children across to the club. When the children arrive at the club the time of arrival is written on the main register. If a child was not there to be collected a check must first of all be made with the school to find out if the child was absent, if the child was at school but not there to be collected the parent/carer must be contacted as soon as possible to check the child’s whereabouts.
When parents arrive to collect the child from the club they must be signed out of the club by a member of staff out and the time of departure must be noted. Parents normally call staff by their first names. Be friendly when greeting parents and if their child is one of your keyworker children chat to them about their child – what he or she has been doing while at the club.
Snack time
The children are provided with a selection of fruit. Some parents also send their child with an extra snack. Once the children are settled in they have their snack and a drink. The children are encouraged to wash their hands before sitting down to eat and after going to the toilet. Staff are expected to set a good example and should wash their hands before handling food.
Staff rota
There is a rota system for staff to carry out a variety of tasks. These include risk assessments before the children arrive and tidying up, vacuuming, washing dishes, cleaning toilets etc at the end of the session.
Safety and Security
The door to the building should be kept locked and only opened by a member of staff. If the children are playing out the gate must be kept closed. If someone different arrives to collect a child the parent/carer should be contacted to make sure that it is OK for the child to leave with that person. All children must be signed out of the club by a member of staff and the time of departure noted.
If there is an accident or incident the person who witnessed the accident/incident should complete the necessary forms. We have a named first aider whose name is on the staffing structure and they would administer first aid.
Staff are reminded that any information concerning a child or their families or any member of staff must remain confidential at all times. Staff must be mindful of what is discussed not just at the club but elsewhere in case anything confidential is overheard by anyone. At off-site events e.g. training sessions children’s names or their families names must not be used. The children's records are kept locked in the filing cabinet. Staff will be made aware of any allergies or medical conditions.
Staff absences
If staff are ill and/or unable to come to work they must notify the manager as soon as possible so that alternative cover can be arranged. An Unauthorised Absence form should be completed on their return to work. If staff need to take time off for other reasons a Request for Time Off form should be completed and given to the manager for approval. All absence forms will be kept in staff files.
Training opportunities
Staff will be required to attend the following training within the first three months of their employment:
• Safeguarding
• Paediatric First Aid
• Food Safety
• Equality and Diversity
Staff will be expected to update their training every three years
The decision to exclude or suspend a child from childcare is a serious one. It will be used only when other forms of behaviour guidance are unsuccessful. All efforts will be made to resolve issues that arise within the service. A child will only be suspended or excluded from the service when all other avenues have been exhausted. The decision to exclude or suspend will be based on information collected by staff detailing all behaviours including frequency, seriousness, any patterns and any other important or relevant behaviour including additional needs, medication, family history and will be a joint decision between the Manager and the Leader and will only be used after consultation with the parent or carer.
Suspension from the club means that the child does not attend for an agreed period of time ranging from one day to five days. The length of a suspension is determined by the manager and depends on the severity or frequency of the irresponsible behaviour. Suspension from the club is intended to:
• provide support for the child and their family if needed
• protect the enjoyment and safety rights of the other children
• signal to the parents or carers that the child’s behaviour is not acceptable within the club setting
Exclusion from the club means that the child does not attend for either, a set period of time ranging from two to six weeks or for the remainder of a term. The length of exclusion is determined by the manager and is dependant on the severity or frequency of the irresponsible behaviour and the time deemed necessary to achieve specific behavioural changes. Exclusion from the club is intended to:
• enable the child to achieve certain goals related to increasing responsible behaviour
• signal that the child’s irresponsible behaviour is not acceptable and cannot be managed within the club setting without interfering with the rights of others to enjoyment and safety
Suspension or Exclusion from the club are appropriate responses when the manager believes on reasonable grounds that:
• the child’s behaviour endangers his/her safety or the safety of others
• the child frequently assaults other children or staff. Assault includes: hitting, biting, kicking, pushing or serious verbal aggression
• the child disrupts the group on a regular basis
• the child has disrespect for the staff/the other children/clubs property
Prior to suspension or exclusion the following steps will take place:
• the manager will talk to the parent about their child’s behaviour
• all incidents will be recorded and shown to the parent – the incident forms will be kept in the child’s file
• if the child’s behaviour does not improve a written warning will go to the parent
• if the child’s behaviour still remains unchanged a further written warning will go to the parent it will explain that if their child’s behaviour does not improve the child will be suspended from the club
• if there is still no improvement the child will be suspended for 1 to 5 days, depending on the severity of the irresponsible behaviour
• the child will be reintegrated back into the group
• if after suspension the child is reintegrated into the club but the behaviour remains the same the parents will be sent a written warning informing them that their child will be excluded from the club unless their behaviour improves
• if no improvement the parent will be sent a ‘Notice of Intention to Exclude’
• the child will be excluded from the club
Immediate suspension or exclusion from the Childcare Club may occur if, in the opinion of the manager, the child’s behaviour poses a danger to him/herself or others or to property. Parents or carers have the right to appeal against the decision to suspend or exclude and if after consultation an agreement can be reached the club will work with the family to develop strategies to successfully integrate the child back into the childcare club. Additional services will be suggested and used as required.
Other reasons for suspension or exclusion
A child may also be suspended because of sickness. For the health and well-being of all children and the childcare staff, sick children will not be permitted to attend the club. If a child has been removed from the facility for an illness, there will be a 24 hour period during which time the child may not return. You may be asked for a doctor's note for re-admittance to the club.
If a child comes down with any infectious disease (e.g. chicken pox, measles, head lice etc) please contact the manager or leader or let another childcare staff member know so that other parents may be notified that their child may be vulnerable.
The Childcare Club also reserves the right to suspend and/or exclude children due to the actions of parents or carers. Suspension and/or exclusion may occur for any of the following:
• repeatedly being late in picking up children from the club
• non-payment of childcare fees
• Inappropriate behaviour towards staff: use of inappropriate language, being verbally or physically threatening or intimidating, any physical aggression and/or damage to property
Our club has the highest regard for the children in our care. At the end of every session, the club will ensure that all children have been collected by a parent, carer or authorised adult in accordance with the Arrivals and Departures Policy.
Parents are asked to telephone the club if they are going to be late. If for some reason a child is not collected at the end of the session the following procedures will be adhered to:
- If ten minutes after closing time staff have still not heard from the child's parents the staff will ring the contact numbers.
- If the child has still not been collected after 30 minutes Social Services will be contacted and asked to come an collect the child.
- Two members of staff will stay with the child the whole time the child is on club premises and until the child is handed over to Social Services. The staff will endeavour to reassure the child at all times to avoid distress.
- The childcare club will inform the child's parents of the whereabouts of their child.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff feel confident and are encouraged to reveal any concerns that they may have about the conduct and behaviour of the manager, leader or any of the playworkers. This policy should only be used for dealing with major concerns over the conduct of other members of staff that are outside of the scope of other club policies.
The policy should not be used to support personal grievances relating to an employees terms and conditions of employment, harassment, disciplinary matters, llying or any other matters that can be dealt with under the clubs grievance procedures. The policy should only be used for reporting the following types of concerns:
• A criminal offence
• The breach of a legal obligation
• A miscarriage of justice
• A danger to the health and safety of any individual
• Malpractice
• Fraud
• Improper conduct or unethical behaviour
• Attempts to suppress or conceal any information relating to any of the above
Who can raise a concern
• Any member of staff who has a reasonable belief that there is serious malpractice, relating to any of the issues mentioned above, is entitled to raise a concern
• Concerns raised must be done without malice and in good faith, you must reasonably believe that any information disclosed and any allegations made are true. You will not be expected to prove without doubt that the allegation is true but you will need to demonstrate that there are reasonable grounds for your concern
• If you make an allegation in good faith but it is not confirmed by any subsequent investigation then no action will be taken against you
• If you make an allegation frivolously, maliciously or for personal gain, then appropriate disciplinary or legal action will be taken against you
• All concerns raised will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal the identity of the person who raised the concern. However at the appropriate time the individual who made the allegation may need to come forward as a witness
• Any individual who raises a concern in good faith will be protected from any possible reprisals or victimisation. Where this occurs the individual should report it using the club grievance procedure
Raising a concern
• Any concerns should be reported to the manager. If the allegation involves the manager then the concern should be raised with the leader.
• Concerns can be raised verbally or in writing. In both instances you will be required to state:
1.The background and history of the concern
2.The reason you are concerned about the situation
3.The extent to which you have personally witnessed or experienced the problem
• The manager will decide whether the allegation falls within the scope of the existing club procedures eg safeguarding children, and will therefore be considered with those procedures in mind
• The manager will consider the information that has been disclosed and will decide whether there is a case to answer. The manager will then decide whether or not an investigation will be conducted into the allegation
• If the manager decides not to proceed with an investigation then the decision will be fully explained to the person who made the allegation
• The manager will decide whether the investigation should be conducted internally or whether an external body should be involved. This decision will be based on the nature of the allegation. If an investigation is to be conducted then the manager will inform the individual who raised the concern and they may then be required to give further information
• The manager will inform the person (or persons) against whom the allegation has been made, of the investigation and the evidence supporting it. They will be given the opportunity to respond
• The manager will decide whether the result of any investigation requires the involvement of an external body, such as the police, and the manager will decide the appropriate, if any, disciplinary action to be taken against the person (or persons) whom the allegation involves
• The manager should compile a report that details the nature of the allegation, the evidence supporting it and the results of any investigation and disciplinary action
• The individual who raised the concern will be informed of the outcome of the investigation
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